In a Aikido training session, Japanese terms are used to describe the warm-up exercises, Ukemi practice and Aikido techniques. These are the common Japanses terms that are used in a trainig session.

Ichi One
Ni Two
San Three
Shi Four
Go Five
Rokku Six
Shichi Seven
Hachi Eight
Ku Nine
Jyu Ten
Jyu-Ichi Eleven
Jyu-Ni Twelve and so on
Ni-Jyu Twenty
Ni-Jyu-Ichi Twenty one
Ni-Jyu-Ni Twenty two and so on
Hyaku One Hundred
In the Dojo
Dojo Training Hall or Place of the Way
Aikidoka Person who practises Aikido
Tori Person doing the technique
Uke Person being thrown
Ukemi Break falls
Gi Training uniform
Obi Belt worn over the Gi
Dan Degree ranking for Black Belt
Kyu Ranking for belts below black belt
Sensei Teacher
Sempai Senior Student
Kohai Junior Student
Rei Bow
Ritsu-rei Standing Bow
Sensei-ni-rei Bow to the teacher
Seiza Sitting Properly
Kiritsu Stand to attention
Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu Polite way of saying “thank you very much”.
Aka Red
Shiro White
Jodan High
Chudan Middle
Gedan Low
Migi Right
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Kote Wrist
Tekubi Wrist
Kansetsu Joints
Koshi Hips or lower back
Hara A point in the lower abdomen
Aikido Weapons
Bokken Wooden sword
Tanto Knife
Jo Short staff about 4″ long
Yari Spear
Atemi Strike
Shomen Front
Shomen-ate Front strike (usually to the head)
Shomen-Tsuki Front punch
Uchi Hand strike
Shomen-Uchi Strike to top of the head
Yokomen-uchi Side strike to the Uke’s temple
Otoshi Drop
Dori Hold or Grasp
Katate-Dori One hand held
Morote Dori One hand held by two hands
Ryote-Dori Both hands held
Eri Dori Collar held
Stance / Postures
Ai-gamae Matching stances
Gyaku-gamae Opposite stances
Hidari-gamae Left stance with left foot forward.
Migi-gamae Right stance with right foot forward
Elements of a technique
Tai-sabaki Avoidance
Ma-ai Correct distance
Kuzushi Balance break
Waza Technique
Irimi Entering principle
Tenkan Absorption principle
Unsoku Foot movements / avoidance
Tandoku-undo Foot and hand movements
Shichihon-no-kuzushi 7 Balance breaking techniques
Kokyu-Dosa Breathing Exercise
Atemi-waza Striking techniques
Tekubi waza Wrist techniques
Uki-waza Floating or timing techniques
Kansetsu-waza Joint techniques
Hiji waza Elbow techniques
Suwari-waza Techniques where both Tori and Uke are in seiza.
Hanza Handachi Waza Techniques with Tori in seiza and Uke is standing
Tachi-waza Techniques where both Tori and Uke are standing
Ju-nana-hon waza / Randori-no-Kata
17 basic techniques of Tomiki Aikido
Section A – Atemi-waza 1. Shomen-ate
2. Ai-gamae-ate
3. Gyaku-gamae-ate
4. Gedan-ate
5. Ushiro-ate
Section B – Hiji waza 6. Oshi-taoshi
7. Ude-gaeshi
8. Hiki-taoshi
9. Ude-garame
10. Waki-gatame
Section C – Tekubi waza 11. Kote-hineri
12. Kote-gaeshi
13. Tenkai-kote-hineri
14. Shiho-nage
Section D – Uki-waza 15. Mae-otoshi
16. Sumi-otoshi
17. Hiki-otoshi
Randori-no-kata-no-ura-waza – Counters to 10 of the basic techniques
1. Shomen-ate – Waki-gatame
2. Ai-gamae-ate – Kote-mawashi
3. Gyaku-gamae-ate – Gedan-ate
4. Gedan-ate – Ai-gamae-ate
5. Ushiro-ate – Tenkai-kote-hineriv
6. Oshi-taoshi – Kote-mawashi
7. Hiki-taoshi – Tenkai-kote-hineri
8. Kote-gaeshi – Kote-gaeshi
9. Tenkai-kote-hineri – Waki-gatame
10. Shiho-nage – Shiho-nage
Koryu-no-kata – Traditional kata
Koryu-dai-Ichi 24 technique kata.Traditional classical techniques with large flowing circular movements.
Koryu-dai-Ni 16 technique kata.Traditional classical techniques with tight circular actions and close quarter control.
Koryu-dai-San “Fighting” or “self defence” kata, include the use of Tanto, Bokken and Jo/Yari.50 technique kata.

  • Section A : Suwari-waza – 4 techniques
  • Section B : Hanza Handachi Waza – 4 techniques
  • Section C : Tachi Waza – 8 techniques
  • Section D : Tanto Dori – 8 techniques
  • Section E : Tachi Dori – 5 techniques from Bokken
  • Section F : Jo Dori – 5 techniques against Jo
  • Section G : Jo Dori – 8 techniques with Jo
  • Section H : Tachi tai Tachi (Bokken) – 8 techniques

Suwari-waza (Section A – Kneeling Techniques)

  1. Oshi-taoshi
  2. Gyaku-gamae-ate
  3. Kote-gaeshi
  4. Ryote-mochi-sukui-nage

Hanza Handachi Waza (Section B – Kneeling Techniques with Uke Standing)

  1. Tentai-kote-hineri
  2. Shiho-nage
  3. Gedan-ate
  4. Hiji-kime

Tachi-waza (Section C – Standing Techniques)

  1. Kote-mawashi
  2. Uchi-tenkai-nage
  3. Gyaku-gamae-ate
  4. Hiji-kime
  5. Mae-otoshi
  6. Ushiro-waza-mae-otoshi
  7. Ushiro-waza-tentai-kote-hineri
  8. Mune-tori-kata-gatame

Tanto-dori (Section D – Standing Techniques, hand against tanto)

  1. Ushiro-ate
  2. Gyaku-gamae-ate
  3. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
  4. Ushiro-ate
  5. Ude-gatame
  6. Kote-gaeshi
  7. Tentai-kote-hineri
  8. Shomen-giri-gendan-ate

Tachi-dori (Section E – Standing Techniques, hand against sword )

  1. Mae-otoshi
  2. Shiho-nage
  3. Ai-gamae-ate
  4. Oshi-otoshi
  5. Hiji-kujiki

Jo-dori (Section F – Standing Techniques, hand against Jo)

  1. Gyaku-gamae-ate
  2. Shomen-ate
  3. Hishigi
  4. Renraku-waza-hiji-hishigi
  5. Irimi-mae-otoshi

Jo-dori (Section G – Standing Techniques, Jo against hand)

  1. Migi-sumi-otoshi
  2. Migi-sumi-gori-hidari-sumi-otoshi
  3. Tekube-kime-(gori)-shomen-tsuki
  4. Mae-otoshi
  5. Shiho-nage
  6. Shiho-nage-gyaku-kaiten-nage
  7. Ude-kujiki
  8. Kokyu-nage

Tachi-tai-tachi (Section H – Standing Techniques, Sword against Sword)

  1. Ai-uchi-men
  2. Hidari-men
  3. Migi-men
  4. Tsuki
  5. Do
  6. Kote-nuki-kote
  7. Kaeshi-men
  8. Hasso-waki-gamae
Koryu-dai-Yon 25 technique kata.Techniques with large sweeping movements, clearly maintaining centre.
Koryu-dai-Go 23 technique kata.Techniques are similar to some which are be found in the Koryu-dai-Ichi, Koryu-dai-Ni and Koryu-dai-Yon.
Koryu-dai-Roku 39 technique kata.Kata which is considered to be the most complicated and difficult Koryu-no-Kata. Includes weapons.
Goshin-ho-no-Kata 57 technique kata.Techniques that ilustrates that the principles of Randori-no-Kata can be applied to various attacks
Free practice
Kakarigeiko First level without resistance by Uke.
Hikitategeiko Second level utilizes both combinations and counters
Tanto Randori / Toshu Randori Greater range of combination and counters
Shiai Full competition randori.