Club members who have been promoted to Dan grade:
- Chandra Kaur – 3rd Dan
- Garrett Baxter – 5th Dan
- Mick Pratt – 3rd Dan
- Kally Shergill – 3rd Dan
- Paul Bower – 2nd Dan
- Lee Mazacs – 2nd Dan
- Phil Hargreaves – 2nd Dan
- Bradlee Clarkson – 2nd Dan
- B. Godsman – 2nd Dan
- Debbie Cole – 1st Dan
- Rowan Hendry – 1st Dan
- Jon Adsetts – 1st Dan
- Jonathon Trunkwold – 1st Dan
- Mat Sheldon – 1st Dan
- Seb Jackson -1st Dan
- Rajdeep Shergill – 1st Dan
- Jason Clarkson – 1st Dan
- N. Cummins – 1st Dan
- E. Hewitt – 1st Dan
- R. Cummins – 1st Dan
- A. Marston – 1st Dan

How do I get promoted to Dan grade?
To gain promotion to Dan grade (black belt), you will need to pass a grading where you have to demonstrate the required number of techniques and to the required standard.
We follow the BAA grading syllabus. To pass the 1st Dan grading, you will need to demonstrate:
- All 17 techniques from Randori-no-kata
- All 10 techniques from Randori-no-kata-no-ura-waza
- 14 techniques from Koryu dai Yon
- 24 techniques from Koryu dai San
The BAA grading syllabus places an equal emphasis on Embu (Kata) and the application of the Kata techniques in the form of Kakarigeiko, Hikitategeiko and Toshu. You will need to pass both the kata and the application sections to pass a grading.

The BAA does not recognise the award of a Dan grade to young people under the age of 17 years.